Wednesday, February 09, 2005

A God among grunts

OK for those of you who have not read this yet...Peep This!

Ok so the best game to come in 2004 was clearly Halo 2. Many gamers will agree. Some might say Grand Theft Auto San Andreas was the best game. As a whole GTA:SA has a better single player game. The game can be played over and over and over and you will rarely do the same thing. Where as in Halo, you do the same level over and over and you just move up in difficulty (read: enemies are harder to kill and you are easier to kill).

However, the Multiplayer mode in Halo makes the game epic. I mean don't get me wrong, I love playing all the halo levels, and I can play them over and over again cause they are VERY fun. But beginning able to play with or against your friends makes the game 10x more fun.

The thing that GTA:SA has on Halo is constant interaction in a fully developed world. Much like games such as Zelda, GTA created a world where you have the entire game open to your exploration (assuming your have the tools to get to that portion of the world). As you 'level up' or progress through the game you can always go back and reexplore that which you have done. With that comes being able to actually do something when you reexplore (often times new things open up). In Halo, you load up one level once you kill everything you move to the next part. You can go through an hour long level then walk back to the beginning and, if you killed everything, have absolutely nothing to do. In GTA/Zelda, you go back to where you started and there are people to kill, items to get, missions to complete, so you feel more part of a real world as opposed to just a small portion of it. Granted, the appeal of Halo is not supposed to be going back once you've finished a level, however it has to be compared to games that support that.

Halo has created a ridiculous following. Everyone from hardcore gamers, who spend weeks playing the same level over and over again trying to beat it as quickly as possible on Legendary mode, to casual gamers who just enjoy killing a few aliens on normal, love this saga. Books are written for it, to explain its very complex plot.

Now comes the ultimate question: should they risk a movie on it? Everyone knows video games don't make the best movie's. Although I enjoyed them, Super Mario Bros., Final Fantasy and Mortal Kombat (1 & 2), were not good movies. Resident Evil 1 was not acknowledged as a very good movie but 2 was pretty well received (and it was very good). But now a days, making movies based on Video Games seems to be like signing your own death certificate. If this movie is made, I can pretty much guarantee it will sell out the first night, if not the first weekend. Simply based on the pure number of followers. But will it do the saga justice? Maybe. Hopefully. As long as the developers of Halo maintain control over the project, I think, they'll be fine. But we can only speculate, and hope for the best.

I tip my hat to the God...Master Chief


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